Information on the trip to Sibiloi National Park as from the 29th Sept
"The Cradle of Mankind" The park lies on the northeastern shore of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya, about 800km from Nairobi. The semi desert ecosystem was established to protect wildlife and the unique prehistoric and archaeological sites some of which are linked to the origin of man. The park is waterless except for the alkaline waters of the lake; it however harbours variety of wildlife including common zebra, giraffe, hippos, crocodile and numerous bird species such as flamingos, pelicans and ducks. Other attractions are the preserved wildlife fossils which include the Giant Tortoise and the 18-20 ft long Crocodile. ACCESS Distance: from Nairobi 800 km north of Nairobi. By air There are 2 all weather strips Gates: One gate Roads: high-clearance 4WD is essential all year round.Travel in convoy is recommended. the lake is a three day drive from Nairobi via Marsabit and North Horr, or Maralal and south Horr. Alternatively travel by road from Nairobi to Kalokol ...