Confessions of my Fears .::A short story extract by Kaffy Mwangi from the Story Confessions of my Nyctophobia::.

© Kaffy Mwangi I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would gasp for air, My hands would shake my whole body was in a fit. You would hear my heart beat so loud, loud like a train grinding on its rails. My shrink said it’s just paranoia, Just trauma wound itself in the figment of my subconscious. It would get so bad my parents got me an inhaler, thought I was asthmatic. They covered me up in more blankets said the bad dreams will go away. I couldn’t breathe at night, my pupils would dilate, I was in a fever, hot and sweaty you could trace my veins to the heart Yet goose bumps cropped from every follicle. ‘’you know when you are drowning; you actually don’t inhale until you black out. It’s like no matter how much you are freaking out the instinct not to let any water in is so strong that you won’t open your mouth until you feel your head exploding, and when you do finally let it in, that’s when it stops hurting; it’s not scary anymore ,it i...