Written Notice
On more than an instance, When I’ve been idler than a broken lamp-post - Time weighing heavily on my hand, As pen and paper prove closer than a brother: I have taken written notice of slit eyelids upon a chocolate face, Accurately chronicled after carefully observing - Playful fingers twitchily twist a neck pendant, And spin a plastic band on a wrist’s axis Hands press down a dress’ length for modesty’s sake by Kevin Orato (Notes) The slow-motion, almost rehearsed brush of the brow, Unsaid appreciation for the Viewer’s attention How seamlessly well she blends with the surrounding; Not merely part of the furniture but its mantelpiece Manipulating without earnest effort, events around her; Keeping in check any intrusion and mischief. As if by magic wand, conjuring up occurrences But like a skilled orchestra conductor, directing tune. Never really losing her ladylike comportment - Apart, of course, when acknowledging the Observer. I d...