• 20TH FLOOR TELEPOSTA TOWERS (Koinange street entrance - EASMS)
  • Hisia Zangu is an association of poets and writers who meet with the main objective of analyzing poetry and writing and offering a detailed critique to improve its quality. We also offer a discussion platform for anyone who wants how to revise existing poems.

    The family has reinvented itself for the betterment of art. From this month onwards, we'll only share and discuss poems, short stories, and novella/novel excerpts revolving around one central theme.

    This month our theme is LOVE.

    LOVE is an aged topic. The age of LOVE is the age of GOD. Yet in our attempt to engender some kind of freshness, we'll be looking for something new, a new twist to the eons-old tale of hearts.

    "To love is to live. To fall is to be in pain. To be alone is to be hurt. To be in darkness is to be in light first."

    Let's bind our words to emotions. Let's fall in love with ourselves, with others, with the world.

    Submit your best and unique love writ, experience, fantasies ... hisiazangupoetry@gmail.com

    Only 1 submission.

    Entrance - Kshs 100
    Pen, Notebook, ....



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