a hallway in this life

tenagehood is the begining of a new world,a world of excitement,problems,discoveries,love and pain;its an exit from the large wiating room of maturity,the thing is that you don't premeditate on which door you will unlock,most are the times we choose the right door, but along the way circumstances and situations change the conditions in that room(life) and too weak to move on to something better we either stick to that room or move on but with rebounds to that room and hence arrisal of addictions(alcohol,ciggarette,gambling,sex,food,kleptomaniasm) and from this self weakness we never move foward,we either get a beating in life with every sunrise and every sunfall or we languish in distress and despair.No one said moving on in life is easy but taking things a step at a time is strong will enouhg for us to accomplish the bigger picture to the next best thing in our lives....so this 2011,I pray we look past our noses and see how wide and diverse the world is,talking bout change is not good enough,strap your millitary boots,uniform and armour on....this life and everyday its a battle field to ensure we make it,to ensure we achieve our goals,so sleep with your amour,walk around in it,eat with it and always,always be ready to fight for what you wan't in life and be ready to defend what you already have.<3 ya'all.


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