My Ex.

I texted her last night,
told her of my idea,
shared a simple truth
we held so dear.
I told her I miss her,
every bit of her.
from her soft kisses
to warm cuddly affection,
I admitted I needed her,
though we are no longer together.

She has a boyfriend,
but still, she is the only one girl
who knows,
the only one who can interpret love
in every touch
and single squeeze
accompanied by a naughty giggle,
She is the only one girl
who can take me there,
land me safely in paradise
and erase my worries.

True, I miss her,
the simple encounters
to complicated situations.
essence of love on the bed,
passionate kisses on the balcony,
she is the only one girl
who could make a day like these
worth trying to live,
She knew the simple tricks
to bend time and turn me on,
from cuffing me to the bed,
to pouring warm chocolate on my chest.

I confess she is the only one girl,
Who made love seem to revolve the world
I told her I miss her,
miss how she used to put on a costume
and let me tear it off her.
I miss how she woke me at midnight
Just to walk outside
and watch stars dazzle,
holding close to each other,
kept warm by our smiles
and the peace laying in our eyes,
I miss kissing her forehead.
picking flowers for her in the morning.
she was the world to me,
that love angel sent from above
I hadn’t thought this through,
and it’s a saddening truth,
Am missing my EX.
™©Mwangi Njoroge


  1. My name is Judith petcock,
    i just want to say a very big thanks to Dr, ayewa for his absolute braveness and a very big work well don for me, just as a woman of age and maturity. i got married to my lovely husband that brought my life into confusion and sorrowful life, we have two kids one is 15 years old and the other is 7years, the man abandon me with my two kids. since then my first son Micheal is very sick, and we have giving him so many medical a tension there was no improvement. it all happen at one day i run into this dr ayewa email at;
    and i lay down my complains to this dr ayewa he said my problems is solved write now all i should do is to go home and relax and wait for the work of his spell to take place, after 4 day later my son Micheal was heal from his sickness and two day later my husband came to me and start begin me to please forgive him. we re unit and we become the happiest family. that was the work of dr ayewa . this dr ayewa is a good a very brave, and in did a great spell caster i don't think there is any powerful spell caster like him, please dr ayewa the world need people like you to build up their broken homes. if you are in need of dr ayewa's help you can email him at;
    is now that i believe that you are the master of all spell caster, nothing is two difficult for you to do


  2. Hello, my name is Angela, I'm from USA. I
    want to inform you all that there is a spell caster
    that is genuine and real.Dr Aduke I never really believed in
    any of these things but when I was losing kelvin, I
    needed help, and somewhere to turn badly. I found
    consultant. Dr Aduke and i ordered a LOVE SPELL.
    Seven days later, my phone rang. kelvin was his old
    self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only
    come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much
    I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't
    brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we
    have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in
    my old situation to try it. It will bring you a
    wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you.
    The way things were meant to be." you can contact the
    spell caster at he's
    very nice and great.

  3. My Name is tracy watsen, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimony with the general public about what this man called Dr Agba has just done for me,he brought back my Ex husband to me with his great spell,I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self's but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years,he told me he can't continue anymore,i then seek out means to get him back but all to no avail,until a friend of mine told me about this great spell caster and gave me his contact,I contacted dr Agba and told him my problems and he assured me everything will be alright if only i belive.i agreed and he casted the spell,and within 48 hours my husband called me pleading/beging for reconciliation,am so happy now more than ever because am now a mother and my family is complete.thank you dr Agba for your marvelous doings and i will forever be greatful to you.His if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
    yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9)Stop Divorce
    (10)joining Illuminati
    (11)getting the woman/man of your dreams


    He brought back my ex within 24 hrs when
    others failed just using this post as a
    testimony and to tell people that there are
    still Real spell caster out there .
    if you need his help in any way be it LOVE
    CHILD...SPELL REMOVAL........GOOD contact him directly on
    Thank you all.
    Name:Ashley Thomas
    Location: France


    A great solutionist has been sent from above. He is CHIEF DR. OGBODU AKHASE.

    I am Gina maxuel by name, my family and i that have been living in peace, harmony and progress suddenly became enveloped in problems. My son was rushed home from the university as a result of madness, my husband was blackmailed and sacked from his juicy job, my super market shop got liquidated and i got indebted to my bank, and a wealthy lady who pretended to be helping my husband enticed and seduced him and took him away from me. I became confused and lost all hope as i became a subject of mockery in the mouth of my haters.

    0ne day, a friend of mine (Anita) that i will forever be grateful to came and introduced this powerful spiritualist to me, though i doubted him and reluctantly gave him a trial, he intervened, told me the cause of the problems and resolved everything. My son is now well and back to school, the perpetrators of the blackmailed against my husband were later caught and arrested as they confessed to the act and my husband has been reinstated with apology, i now own my husband back to myself and now, my business has been reawakened and those that owed me were all rushing to pay back.

    I hereby recommend this great man to everyone who needs solution to any kind of problems he or she is going through.
    contact him with and thank me later.


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