the Forgotten

I was once adored by the heavens
Long before they come with their iron snakes
And sticks shooting fire,

I was the pearl of the continents
Before they decided to divide and conquer
I was where gods sought tranquility

Where all my sons and daughters lived in harmony
Unbound in spirit
Unstained by corruption and immoral practices,

I’m barely the paradise I was a fortnight ago
Memories of death, rape and sickness
Have eroded the peaceful vibe I gave birth to

Now I’m stained with mockery, fear and history of bloodshed
I’m more known for the conflict diamonds than the beautiful beaches I have,
More known for tribal wars than the diverse culture I gave birth to,

I have been raped off my decency
Raped off my freedom ,
Sugar coated as civilization

I’m Africa, the continent of oil for the west
Diamonds for the Far East
And charity shows for the brits

I’m no longer Africa the mother of man
The same Africa that gave you kings and queens
Where conqueres like Alexandra the great hailed from

Where real warriors like Shaka Zulu,Mekatilili Wa Mwenza and Wangari Maathai spilt blood for a cause
Am a mockery to the world,
Only celebrated and appreciated long after breathe has left my lungs,

I’m where my heroes are praised after they are dead
Where women of substance like Wambui Otieno
Die unknown of their bravery,

Governments put up shows,
Put up museums and archives
But none of my children really know me…

The concrete jungles have taken life from me
The exhaust and damps have choked my life away,
Ask your neighbor

What do you really know about Africa?
Look at my daughters, beautiful beyond words
Look at my sons, intelligent beyond compare
Yet we are called a third world continent

I’m Africa, I survived colonization
Survived uprisings,
Saw western powers support militants to over throw leaders

I will rise despite the blows by the west
I will sleep at ease cause I know am the best
Yes I was raped, drained and abused

But still I hold on to a better tomorrow
Of brighter heroes and heroines
Of better people and a better world
©™Mwangi Njoroge


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