Am Missing You.

only yesterday
I was wrapped away
safe in your arms.
The warmth from your chest
As I lay on your pecks
Reassured me of the love
We dearly shared.
As you took a breath
I remember feeling the shiver
of a sad reality,
of the pain to come
when we had to part ways
and say that painful good bye.
I felt it in your grip around me
the fear of life taking away a life.

today I stand here alone,
staring at the horizon
I feel all so lost,
everything is unfamiliar
and the pain within not bearable,
I want to come where you are
where sea and earth are one
where I am loved,
where you and me are one.

a smile crosses my face
but tears avalanche my heart,
Am happy that I spent yester night
in your arms
and it’s in that memory
that I find hope of being again with you
my tears will dry for today
but in the cold nights and
lonely rainfalls, they will be here
to keep me warm with your memories
they will be here
to remind me of you,
My love.
Good, bye for today.
©Mwangi Njoroge.


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