another tear

Another night
I lose my sleep,
To the dreams of my daughter
Flashes of her in the hospital
And the day before
We learnt her illness
Had reached critical,
Everything seemed to go okay,
The drugs, the medication
All was bearable yesterday.
We were together
Chatting about her birthday
Assuring her
She will have gotten well
By the time that day come
Then as we spoke
Her eyes shut
And never opened
I thought she was asleep
I thought my optisim
had given her hope
till that loud beeping sound
and nurses running up and down
Made me aware of the painful truth.
My daughter had passed away
Taken away from me in
That fraction I had found joy.
Now am haunted by ghosts
Of that day she begun coughing
And I told her she is not keeping warm enough,
Ghosts of that day I opted
For over the counter drugs
To taking her to the hospital.
I regret my decisions
But no regret has brought her back,
Every day I survive a cruel world
Hurting from the loss of my daughter
Hurting from the loss of life
Now am here crying
Every night reliving that moment
She passed away
Every night relieving the reality
That my daughter has being taken away
©Mwangi Njoroge.


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