he painted God white, painted the prince of the night pitch black, called Africa the continent in the dark, anyone who was dark was perceived to be cursed to be a genetic outcast, nothing good was seen to come from our hands, we were to toil in our lands, give up our harvest and eat left over’s from the grass, we were made to believe we belong in the dust but amidst as, amidst our dark skins came great individuals, they influenced the world, made time stop by there words, with speeches, articles, songs and sports the social out casts made permanent marks and scars that changed the course of history, Martin Luther king took it to the streets, Nelson Mandela served jail time for opposing apartheid, Bob Marley sung of Africa redemption, Dedan Kimathi was chained down to die, Mohammed Ali fought in the square ring to raise to the top of the world, all through time, we Afrikaans have proved we can stand toe to toe with the best, we never backed down, never gave up on our dreams, we died in...