………from all walks of life……..INSPIRATION

Life gives as each equal opportunities, at times they are bleak at times so obvious but we been human are clouded with wrong judgment and the tendency to drift into the wrong stream of life; we all need something or someone to inspire as, to give as a wimp of what great stature we can achieve and I like the rest of us have needed that. I have sought it, a blessing to an individual’s self drive. In my time in Nairobi I have met individuals who have inspired me to go the extra mile, to be a better poet to be a better friend but most importantly inspired me  to be a better person.
In my initial start into poetry I was recruited into the Nairobi scenery of poets by a gentle humble lady called Sitawa Wafula and through her poetry workshop I met with a gentleman I often refer to as ‘chief’ called Eng Mwangi (*at first I thought the achro name Eng meant English :P*)over time he introduced me to a fierce poet and performer called Namatsi Lukoye, through her shows dubbed Hisia Zangu Poetry I grew as a poet and performer and it was not long before I met with Julz Amare Poeta via workshops hosted by Namatsi.
We bonded and gained respectable grounds between each other and become close friends, she introduced me to a star photographer (*I must say), her work was and is timeless. Back in the day I loved photography but never got the hung of it due to the luck of a camera and capital to take me to the beauty of this world but with this lady alias Julia Douglas things were different, her presence in my life rekindled a dying passion and since we become friends we have travelled far for photography and the experience has been rewarding her, government name is Irene Majale (read it with the Dutch Jd),she too brought new people in my life namely Christine, Cynthia and Sheddasheddz, the latter two and Irene host a radio show a.K.a  the switch on shine 103.1fm.
Shine fm is a Christian oriented program hosted by similarly oriented youths out to inspire in masses the way they have inspired me.
Many at times we look for impossible things and icons to inspire as into better people yet there are ordinary simple individuals right by our side who can help propel you to greater heights or even help you break down that door of opportunity just in case it doesn’t open and when all is said and done don’t forget your parents, they have inspired me from day 1, and every day I have a reason to be a better man.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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