My home Uplands

am from the land of simpletons,
no disrespect but we are simply toned,
where you get drunk to a stupor
and the police will drive you home,
where dogs enter butcheries
sit buy you eat meat and share a bone,

am from a land of blistering cold,
where traditions don’t grow old,
and we gather round
fire places to hear stories told,
a place where milk is regarded as gold,

am a country boy,
brought up with wood sticks as toys,
where girls wear long skirts not to appear naughty,
it’s where you get a family at twenty,
build a homestead and fence it.

am from uplands,
A land with heavenly sculptures,
It’s where beauty and blessings meet at,
where rivers and railways usher in dawn and dusk.
where cows, kales and fruits are what we are content to have.

born and raised in the cold,
away from technology and plastic souls,
born into curiosity,
Christianity and respect,
born into love and taught how to share it.

™©Mwangi Kaffy


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