girl PAIN,our PAIN by Kevin 'pitchblack' Mwangi

I cried;
yes tears flowed from this eyes...
a decor of black suites and ties
wailing souls in silent cries
some she was flesh and bone
others she had no ties
but still one from the inside...
why her demise
why such despise
in their eyes
so i sought to find
why such grace was at the lowest ebb of her pride
when she died..
so i got a close friend
pilled her aside
and so,the story goes...
from a tender age
she had dreams of becoming a mode
rock the highesst stage
such eloquence and sage
seemed to cease once she hit teen-age
with her beauty beyond gauge
her body had become a confine...sort of cage
to even thwe most solid of thought
a prize as grand
got even the richest of men beneath her...under-stand
her featurs...sophisticated
even the highast of intellect couldn't understand...
but her daddy did
began with a simple hold of the hand
then fingers began to creep beyond the hand...
-he must have been a developer
coz he had it all planned-
and by the tym he mounted her
even he couldn't understand...
such evil unleashed unto her
so away from home she ranloathed all with the title man
even God she could not stand...
ocastrated a revenge plan...
after all,her pride
her innocence was all gone
and the evils she had undergone
the misery she had to ardon...
could not be pardoned
Life away from home got harder
and everytime she tried to keep clean
the streets got colder
the weakness inside her
seemed to grow bolder
but that ceased
once she hooked up with a bunch of feline G'z
who began to mould her
beauty-full they saw her
baeutyful they called her...
amazed by them
and the money held by them
she decided to ask them
how they got their mula;
at first they initiaated her
withh puffs of reefer
to cool the emotions and numb her
then the real hustle she was slowly reffered
until she grew into a real time hustler...
little did she know
she was being dug....six feet deeper
-see once a good girl gone bad
shes gone forever
but she had to...keep her from mourning forever-
although honourary did lack
she had established a monarch
queenn of the deep pitch-black,dark
even the feline pack
that initiated her...couldn't howl back
her street cred was grown
the streets was her own
every car besides her
and the rare sight of her soft,curvy back
menn mad
straight and hard
throwing mean stacks
she reaping big bucks
which she cashed by the banks
of the famous...RIVER-ROAD
to cut the story short
due to luck of moral support
and the fact that
she was never taught
how to use rubber
she did get got...
her fish net caught
infections beyond her immunity
no wonder she was a pile of bones
when she D-I-E'd
being a dime in grains of sand
and such with high demand
so sad
how she spread it all over like contrabands
I crieed;
yes tears flowed from this eyes
but not for the remorse
i had none inside
but for the realisation
of the pain we MEN cause
with no cause
to thiose
little ones we sire
then set fire
upon their lifes course....
thats needs,
but it all begins and and me
the CHANGE...


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