sawdust in the hour glass

Its unexplainable how things change over a very short period of time that you had perceived to be long, you travel, make new friends, make out with people you shouldn’t have or should have, pass your exams, hook up with your ex,quit drinking, get a good job, loose some friends, fall in love with someone special in a mat, spend a night away together all in the days work of been a developing maturing teenager.I have been away from the social network not by choice but varying contributing variables and in this long yet seemly short period of time, I have seen life in a different spectrum, one of uncertainties and risks; somehow in me I enjoyed the adrenaline rush but when the skies turn grey and dusk slithers in like a terrible nightmare you realize that you have drifted away from your goals,objectives,dreams,aspirations;you realize the joy suffocating you is an illusion and you need to snap back into reality and that’s where I am at, the illusion, the perfect dream reality and sooner or later I will have to wake up, so I chose to jump into the cold shower and reassess myself,rejuvinate my conscience, orient my cardinals, so I start today with pieces that I have I adored over that duration of time I took a break from writing. Welcome


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