Our land.

I see hunger,
Smell it in my sleep,
Feel it everywhere I walk,

The T.V suffocates me
With dry ribs
Of children, women and men

Dyeing, falling
Just perishing away
In this blessed country of ours,

The media
Parades malnutrition,
Glorifies it to an extent,

They take as to their homes,
Show as they cook wild berries,
Show as how they suffer

It’s just the news,
An eye catcher that will
Glue you to that station,

Am saddened,
Lost for words
To this indesgression,

I am a student
No money power to help them,
No material wealth I share,

I write for you who can make a change,
Someone with a conscience
Not these headline hungry hyenas.

I see hunger,
In a land of flowing rivers,
A land of un-ending wonders,

We are either a cursed lot
Or surely heading there,
Sooner or later you will see yourself on the T.V.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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