Dilema or Agenda

So am a girl,
that they do say,
that am suppose
to love a man,
now that
I do not understand.
I never liked men,
never felt anything for them,
always felt I belonged
with women.
women are beautiful,
they have a different form of loving,
each action is caring
and never short
of the right sensual touching,
their care, their understanding
all are warm and fuzzily inside,
I love the way they
hug me back,
condition their lips
and sway their hips.
I get horny every time
I look into girls eyes,
my body goes on over drive
and all I can think of
and want to do
is to make out.
my mum doesn’t know
doubt she would understand
my world or lifestyle,
It would surely crash my dad
If he found out the truth,
I want to fall in love
but with what gender?
am a lesbian,
That’s my dilemma.
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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