out Of My Tombs

He called for me,
When I was no more
Sealed off in that tomb,
He called for me,
When I was dead and gone,
When my skin
Went dark and cold,
I heard the voice of God,
Amidst the confusion and ghosts,
He called out for me,
Took time to find me
In the blistering frost.
He called out for me
Held me and led me
Out of the grave yard,
When my friends said
‘to bad he is lost’,
My God didn’t forget my soul,
I close my eyes
And now can see my friends
I open my eyes
And I can see the truth from the lies,
I can see the love from my mum
The love from my dad,
I have learnt from my past
And am not going back,
I have learnt from life
And am sticking to my God,
My family and a few friends
©Mwangi Njoroge


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