The Lone One

Lonely are the nights,
the long walks
and cold thoughts,
Lonely are the days
I stare at the sky
and dry my eyes
on my solemn past,
Lonely am I, in so many ways
so many wars
no victory at all,
Lonely are the seasons,
Lonely are the years
I have come to see the truth,
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.
that my smile faded in the hurt
long when love was true,
when every day
was a memorial service
to the reality I lived,
Lonely is this place,
Lonely is my life,
Lonely am I, that my shadow forsakes me,
Lonely is this moment
frozen in time
tethered to illusions of maybes’,
Lonely is my sentence
the punishment for giving my heart away.
©Mwangi Njoroge.


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