Just a Thought

let’s stop time,
take a leap of faith,
stop and appreciate
the beauty of the rising sun.
choose friendship
over paradise,
make our future happen.
let’s stop listening
to the clocks tick
and bring change to change.
redefine the normal
and allow ourselves be.
lets fill these albums
with beautiful memories,
scrap away yesterday
and smile with that tear in our left eye.
blow out the candle
and I will tell you
where the light went.
you can only be afraid
when you let fear in you,
close your eyes my lady
know your future
is safe with me.
let’s be like a black swan
special, rare and unique,
let’s throw control
out the window and
learn who to trust
and who not to,
take this moment and
view chaos as a window of opportunity.
If you sit by the river long enough,
you will see the bodies
of your enemies float by.
let’s not be obsessed
with the future
let’s not get drawn
out of today.
gone are the days of monsters,
we determine our angels
and give rise to our demons.
let’s water it down to trust,
something different
something warm
something less scary
©Mwangi Njoroge


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