No Sex Tonight

Am not having sex today,
am plugging my headsets
putting on warmer clothes
and turning away.

Am not kissing you goodnight,
not holding your tummy
through the night,
don’t want any massage
hand jobs or blowjobs,

I just want to sleep,
crack the window for a softer breeze,
want to dream unplanned dreams
relax on my bed
like I used to,

wake up next day
and feel the sun on my skin,
don’t want sex tonight
I just need myself to me,

no P2s in the morning,
mood swings or nausea.
I want to cook my own breakfast
Walk around in my boxers

Eat of the pan
no care, no manners.
Dance in my pyjamas
cat walk in the garage

No sex tonight,
No foreplay
Give me tonight,
By myself to my mind,
Then we can break up in the morning
And blame it on not having sex
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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