For you my friends<3

It’s of the love for the art
And appreciation by friends
That I can say am marking my trend,
It’s of individuals
Who warm my heart
And help erase my past,
It’s of new friends,
It’s of old friends
It’s of gold and silver
The poets and social family.

So today I write to appreciate
To say thank you
For being true friends.

For giving me an audience
To hear my work,
Namatsi you are a friend beyond words
And thank you falls short of the feeling within

For criticizing my work
And never shying from your perspective Orato
I say, ‘keep me on my toes’

For taking time to ALWAYS
Read my work Dinda
I can only share my true friendship
As my thank you,
Lyn Carson Shaan’t-tell a.K.a linet
Only mountains never meet
For now we smile knowing we will,

It takes a great pride and humility
For great poets to appreciate and
Identify another poet
And Lexx, Julz and Canon
Am humbled by your ever gracing contribution

For my daughter Brydgidanne
And my brother Sir Mwas,
Only blood can tell
Of the immense appreciation and love
I have for you

For teaching me how to use a computer
Esther and how to live
An oriented life Walter
May your lives be full of bliss
And blessings.

Ukiona vya elea
Jua vimeundwa and only you
Engineer Mwangi
Can turn the weakest link into
The strongest link,
Indirectly I have picked leafs
From your life and it has being a blessing
Being your friend is being in a lesson
In this tough life, and am glad to be your student

For my dear sister Waserian
And primary friend Ann Jeff Smith
Am happy for the smile you always
Bless me with

For my twin Ray,
Oow well,
Only time will tell

Big boys hold you down
And that’s why Oscar you are my friend,
The bond we shared 6yrs ago
Still smells fresh and i want you here forever

For my newest friends
Catherine Brogan
And Winnie
Welcome to the family

Kismet decides where
We end up
But as for now, am happy
Where I am,
Despite not knowing you past the electronics
You are a dear friend Zoe
And some day we will meet

Wambui kamau
Wambui koinange
Funny how you are two worlds apart
Yet bring the warmest fuzzy feeling
To this cold soul

And for everyone else
Who has helped build Kaffy Mwangi
from moha mwas
I offer my heartfelt THANK YOU.
©Mwangi Njoroge


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