Letter to The Week

Dear week,
If I may,
I would like to speak;
complain a bit
yet comment about the week.
I love Wednesdays,
It’s the only day halfway
of a traumatizing week,
Thursdays are a blessing,
that light at the end of the tunnel,
They give me hope of the weekend
tell me, it’s just a mile ahead;
Friday is the only day
I look forward to,
The minutes, the seconds
Count down to a deserved afternoon,
A time to myself,
My buddies, at times
The family:
but mostly they count down
to the weekend.
I just love Saturday,
you should think of
Increasing the hours
In that day,
too bad
It always comes to an end
and my head heavy
on my beloved bed.
Sunday is my detox day.
Detox the week away,
Detox off the drinks.
I grab a bite to eat,
roam around parks and museums
Sunday is a worthy day
wonder why it has to usher in
the dreaded Monday.
The day of chaos
Unmet deadlines
and bloody hang over’s,
Tuesdays should be a weekend
A day to blow of steam brought
by Monday.
Dear week,
These are my observations
and genuine suggestions,
can I get a case in court?
and get them amended into
a newer constitution?

From a human drained of life
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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