My addictions

I break down my rosary,
go down on my knees,
beg, plea and weep,
It’s being so long
my soul is deceased,
It’s being so hard
I no longer cry but bleed,
these wounds have rotten within,
gotten so bad
I have lost the will to leave,
everyday I dodge a bullet,
hide behind my pride
and assume it,
I have tried every trick in the bible,
learnt new tricks on survival,
but somehow, some how
I just can’t cheat my addictions,
like the bogeyman
they attack at my weakest,
like the saviour
they are generous to give me options,
the only thing is that
my addictions are my shadow,
they give rise to the good physical me,
the girl you all love,
my addictions are evil, impure,
some are just beautiful.
If I lose my addictions
 Who do I become?
am willing to lose my addictions
but where will I learn
Am breaking down my rosary
but I don’t know how,
Am braking down my rosary
but I don’t know why
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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