Black spot on your White paper.

Now isn’t this strange,
my eyes won’t open
nor my neck stay upright.
Some may wonder
how tired is this young man,
while others will think
how lazy I am.

I spit on all your laws,
all your expectations.
Must I hurt myself to impress you?
Must I lose my mind because of you?
Ha! I laugh at your stern faces
letting you know
this is not yours, but my life.

I may not be as good as him,
but I bet my last dollar
am the best at what I do.
I may not get all the honours
but at least I have the courage to press on.

Do not despise me
cause I can’t raise to his level,
Do not scorn me
for losing this battle.
I know the war is not yet over.

Appreciate me for whom I am,
appreciate me for the least I can do,
after all am human
and we are unique in our individual forms.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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