Under all Odds.

On Saturday
I danced under
the moon light
with two of my
Best friends.
We closed a
of a day short
of disaster.

The power
of positive
Saturated with
tears and
helpless thinking
was put to test,
and despite the odds,
Hisia was a success.

Hisia six
may have had
poems under remix
but determination
and true friendship
triumphed to bring
us another show
of excellence, perfection
and love of the art.

From the Hisia family
to budding new personalities,
It was an evening of chaos
beauty and suspense,
we learnt from reality
and grew as a family,
Julz and Namatsi
are two poetry greats
but even greater friends.

Hisia six was a success,
Namatsi would say
‘The more hectic
your life is, the more
interesting the story’.
April 16th
I met true friends,
and this my note
saying thank you.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.

*to my two best friends, Julz&Namatsi.


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