Cold Kisses.

You took from me
what I desire most,
a treasure in my broken heart,
a pearl in my doomed soul,
from me, you took a friend.

I do a appreciate our been
but did it have to be
that short lived?
shorter than a word,
that life couldn’t spare a mere bye!

Just to say ‘goodbye friend’,
Is this how it was to be,
or was it a mistake?
did you forget me in this pain!

A liking had grown in me,
now scars and pain of uproot
torment my dreams,
it hurts me more, choking me in my tears!

I prayed God! ; I prayed!
yet here I am plagued by pain,
kneeling on her grave,
you took her away,

Just when I had found peace,
when my heart had learnt to love,
to give, to share,
God! You took her away.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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