Plastic smile

I hide behind my plastic smile that i wear on my face
I wear my plastic smile because it covers up disgrace
But if you take it away there will be nothing but a frown
I wear my smile to keep from breaking down

To be honest, I hate my appearance
I try to feel beautiful but I'm losing my patience
I suffer from a feeling of anomie
I don't fit in, I'm a loser, a nobody

I stare at the ground so no one can see my tears
I've suffered too long, with depression for years
I hate myself, but no one can really see
I look in the mirror, disgusted by what’s looking back at me

I try to hide my insecurities but I fail
I can't hide any longer, I'm taking off my veil
Every time I try to open up,
I cover my insecurities with make-up

I'm tired of getting screamed at and treated like crap
I need something to fill this empty gap
Something to replace this heart filled with holes
Anything to make me feel completely beautiful

But I sit in silence, and cover up my face
In hopes that you will fill this empty space
but the words you speak are crude and vile
So I cover up my hurt with a plastic smile


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