
Romeo was my best friend,
We shared merry,
Sorrow and secrets
That we swore never to tell,

Every day was an adventure,
Meeting gods on the plains,
Watching the sun play with the rain,
It was a beauty words fall short to explain,

On our tour to the house of Eden
We strawled the wrong path
And ended up in heaven,
The angels fed our tummies and washed our feet,

The next day we were set off the right way,
Laughing and gazing at the wonders
Of this foreign land
We met up with the grim reaper,

He was travelling to the land of ma,
Going to collect some souls
Whose sands of time
Had emptied the our glass,

We shared a talk
And before long
We went our separate ways,
Noon come and we were here,

The land of the house of Eden,
Casanova and cupid
Were happy to see us,
They received as like warriors from a battle,

The land was beautiful,
Humans here were like gods,
Each with a natural ability,
But there was one my eyes couldn’t fathom,

Her name Juliet,
She was as beautiful
As the rising sun
And her hair glowed with stars,

Cupid never liked her though,
He was filled with despise and loathe
At the mention of her name,
He called her a witch

A heartless soul
Bound to crush
The pride of love,
A mere virus that paralyses the beauty of love,

Casanova favoured her though,
But his loyalty to cupid
Was an hinging,
He dared not speak well of her

But when we were alone,
Roaming the cold forests
He said

‘not everyone will
Appreciate you, but the few who
Do are the only one who matter, love
Yourself first and the universe will
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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