I Said bye,BUT.

I said bye
but I didn’t mean it.

Said I hated you,
and want nothing to do with you.
I pushed you out of my life,
kicked you out into the cold night.

I said by
but I didn’t mean it.

You hurt me so bad
and turned our beautiful love sad.
Every night I drawn in my tears,
mad at you,but still:wishing you were here.

I said bye
but I didn’t mean it.

Left me crying on the kitchen floor,
forgot the love we had shared for so long.
I cry myself to sleep
and when it fails,I stare at the stars wishing I had you back.

I said bye
but I didn’t mean it.

Everything reminds me of you,
the coffee shop,
the park,
the supermarket to.

I said bye
but I didn’t mean it.

My smile won’t hide this tears no more,
nor my make up cover my swollen eyes.
Truth is that I miss you
and am sorry for letting you go.

I said bye
but I did mean it.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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