Am beautiful not branded!

Lately it’s being hard to stay warm,
I’ve been too long on my own,
everybody cuddled away in their world,
they forgot about me, they left me all alone.

Am tired of crying,
tired of being depressed,
I want to get out of this slump,
someone to help pull me out of this cold dump.

I have taken my bruises,
tried to get up,
but my seizure affairs keep on coming back,
help me write; help me pick the mic back up.

I don’t know how or when
I ended up a lesser human being,
am starting to get my seizures again,
so I decided to pick this pen.

At first it was painful to swallow,
but I won’t sit back and wallow,
I will milk joy from all this sorrow,
set up hope for others like me to follow.

I invite you to come see,
to try feet yourself into my shoes,
for a day I will be you,
for a day you try to be me.

To feel my pain,
to understand my life,
come get into get into my mind,
have a chance to see through my eyes.

I am not looking for extra attention,
I want to feel normal,
and you can start by not branding me abnormal,
am just a child, with a disease I didn’t bargain for.

Am beautiful, inside and out,
come close see for yourself,
don’t drawn in your ignorance,
mental health is not an omen,

Come give me a chance to smile,
not to hide behind the tears of a clown.
show me to take a step today,
and I will show you why we are beautiful.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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