Dancing in the Rain.

A broken heart has come to me,
My lungs are crushing, I can’t breathe,
My skin peeling away, pain is all I feel,
Tears won’t stop falling for I bruise easily.

So tonight, I dance in the rain.

There’s a burning inside that won’t let me be,
Of children dying in poverty,
Of youth perishing in tragedies,
Of the society losing its sanity.

So this dawn, I dance in the rain.

I try so hard and do not succeed,
Why won’t they halt their greed,
Why won’t these wounds heal,
Who will give our children something to eat?

So this midday, I will dance in the rain.

There’s no one out to lead,
No one to help the poor plead,
No one ready to clean the streets,
No one worthy to preach the teachings.

So this afternoon, I will dance in the rain.

I find life is full of challenges,
Some are able to lift is burden,
But most languish in its bondage,
Dreading everyday, wasting away in a skeleton cage.

So this dusk, I will dance in the rain.

Love will ONE DAY come to me,
Heal the wounds within,
Teach me to breathe and somewhat succeed,
Evade poverty and eventually be rich.

But for now will dance in the rain
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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