
When I was born,
She was barely twenty
He was unemployed
But both full of hope
Took it a step everyday
To nature, protect
To love me.

They tell me of stories,
How they suffered
Back when
They were young lovers,
How they juggled from
One job to another,
Village to the other.

It was a time when everything
Was short of difficult,
To a point unpleasant,
But they held on,
To life, to love.
They tell me it was tough
But through it all, they made it.

It’s my mum, it’s my dad.
They give me reasons to smile,
That hope to walk the extra mile,
I love them so much,
Adore and respect them.
They are my friends,
Always being there whenever I needed them.

Love you Dad, love you Mum.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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