broken mirror.

Can you be rich
yet be deep in poverty,
Can you be poor
yet be wealthy,
Can you be sad
yet be filled with merry,
Can you be ailing
yet be healthy,
Can you have it all
yet lack it all,
Can you love
yet hate at the same time.
Am at crossroads,
my mind willing
yet my body is weak,
am ever jovial
yet my heart drowns
In a pool of tears.
I have so much to blame
yet my conscious dies in flames,
I am overwhelmed by pain
and am out of alternatives.
How can one person
bear all these,
How can I find my face
when I look into the mirror.
Insanity has become my only sanity,
for refuge in me
is the beginning of a catastrophe,
a taunting illusion of The Rebirth Vs. The Prodigal Son
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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