

Seeing your smile,
Hearing your lies
Every morning all the time,
Saying you love me
Whereas you know am your plan B.


Listening to the news,
Hearing of change
A certain irritating truth
To the big fish in the society.
The individuals who control the minority.


You being my friend,
Lying to keep me safe,
Telling me it will be alright
That there will be dawn before midnight,
That it will be safe to stray in the night.


Knowing you are not my friend
But we still talk,
Say hi
And wave goodbye,
Yet we never see eye to eye.


It’s you assuming I care,
That am willing to share.
Am a changed fell a,
Being through pain and misery
And that’s not easy to let go.


It’s you,
Its I,
Let’s just walk away,
Before things go back to ugly.
Hypocrite! Its you, me, our past
™©Mwangi Njoroge


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