A Vipers Damsel (crocodile tears)

her life seems to be,
when she is not at ease,
she finds merry in pain
and thrives
In life’s restraints.
A life with no problems
Is one she fears,
she is accustomed to tears
and drives success
from her failures.
Life to her
Is a condemning web,
endangering herself
Is the best help
her conscious can lend.
She calls it
a beautiful nightmare,
a passing glance
to stardom.
She despises peace
and would choose pride
any day over love,
She is the fortunate daughter
of a wailing laughter,
she creates her own luck
on both sides of the coin,
-only that-
Its neither heads nor tails,
Its just heads
On both sides.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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