Coming Home

Am coming,
tell the world,
I have long being gone,
long being a loner
all by my own,
run to a world
so spiteful and cold,
fell in love,
crushed into my grave,
lost my heart,
lost my way,
forgot my friends,
run away from home;
being around,
being up,
being down
drowned in sorrow,
drenched in pain
stained with loss,
slept in that tunnel,
Ate from that garbage can,
being here
slept out there.
In garbage
 and cold pavements,
Am coming home,
tell a friend,
whisper to an enemy.
I need your embrace,
request a second chance,
want to see your smile
 to see your face,
I want you to accept me
 back home.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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