A different feeling.

It’s beautiful being a girl,
and am grateful to be one,
but I have a secret inside,
something I can’t show: but only hide.

I find myself attracted to her,
Always wanting to be closer to her,
In class we sit together,
And always find ourselves together.

When mum goes out,
We play bride and groom,
Locked in my room,
We always find something to fool about.

Yesterday in school I touched her,
Stroked her hair
As she lay on my shoulder,
I felt her hands on me:
-It felt cold, yet sweetly warm.-

I don’t know what’s happening,
but am liking her,
her smile, her hair, her complexion
All got me feeling something different inside.

Mum said “don’t play with boys”,
So I doubt am in the wrong,
She come home yesterday with some toys
And we made out on the balcony.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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