no more hurt.

I have come to learn
not to live with fear
of what I have lost
and what I no longer have
but to be content,
to be satisfied and appreciate
what I have now.
The pain never goes away
and neither do the memories,
looking so long
at a door that has closed
only hurts you more,
it hinders you from achieving,
from getting into
the next opened door.
So I celebrate my past,
forgive all that went wrong
and appreciate what I have now.
Am learning to live today
and letting bygones
be bygones.
letting the past
live in the past
and improving on today.
Looking for that smile
anywhere I can,
for this is my life,
my joy, my piece, my love
and am not letting it go away.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


  1. Thats th spirit-live each day as it comes:)
    btw, in th2nd line,did u mean 'live' or 'leave'?

  2. thank you precious...i will keep improving and writing.
    :) bless you.
    PS:please click the "follow my blog" buton on my blog main page


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