Last Night Virgin.

It was graduation night,  
and I was the only virgin,
the sky dark, yet somehow bright,
a star there, a star here,
everything felt alright,
teenage hood was fading out of sight,
tomorrow I was to be a senior,

The dance floor was dazzling,
all students dawning their style,
songs ranging from blues to rock
left as rocking away.
The lucky ones with their significant others,
While as, well,
We danced for the moment.

As night welcomed the witching hours,
I could feel their eyes,
stroke, unzip my dress,
the smell in the air was different,
premonitions of condoms,
nauseatic  laughter’s of contraceptives,

It was graduation night,
and I was the only virgin,
he danced with me,
laughed at my not so funny jokes,
he smiled at my drink,
ordered one tot after the other
till I could think no more,
I couldn’t move at all,

Swept me of my feet,
Like a scene from my dream wedding,
Like some illusions in that movie,
It was graduation night
and it was the last night I was a virgin.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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