Serenity Prayers.

Same script, different cast,
problems of today, same tomorrow
struggles in the ghetto, hard life in the villages,
bare feet kids trekking to school,
patched up shorts
with polythene for bags,
no desks in class,
no food for lunch,
girls fetching wood for supper
unsure if there will be any,
teenage girls
strapped with babies on their backs,
tending to the small piece of land
hoping for something to sprout.

Boys in the hood
hustling from noon to noon
no money to pay for school,
ageing women being raped,
babies being tossed into sewer lines,
no money for medicine
people dropping into graves
like leaves from a dying tree,
love turned into money,
relationships no longer exist,
love coming with an expiry date,
fluctuating with the volume of money.

Life’s hardship changing circles
Amongst the majority.
Same script, different cast,
Problems of today same tomorrow
Life at an intersection
And hope in a coffin.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


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