The Rebirth vs. The prodigal son

A few people know about the origins of Kaffy, my past life and past aliases. Not so long ago I was referred to as Moha Mwas but a life changing event occurred to me, I would have wished not to have lost what I did to gain the life I have now but common law states that ‘lose some, win some’, so I am capitalizing on what I achieved and what I learnt I can do.
The Rebirth vs. The prodigal Son is a serieis of poems that will take you through a roller coaster of my life, it will serve you with the good, the bad and the ugly; it will be like a diary and a wishlist at the same time, am not promising the Eifel tower but something close to the sphinx, I also won’t mention the poems out but leave you to indulge yourselves.
The poems will come in singular form and will bear varying titles but if you read closely, you will identify the secrets,strengths,weakneses of kAffy;you will see the difference between 2009 and 2010-to date,
The difference between ,Moha Mwas and Mwangi Kaffy, the Poet.
™©Mwangi Njoroge.


  1. this post really shows the rebirth of you and the blog too.......... i love it, and i love the fact that you are my friend!! now you will have to sit with me and show me how to put all these pics on my blog......... ama vipi


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